How To Thrive During The Corona Crisis

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In this episode, we will be covering How To Thrive During The Corona Crisis!

There are TWO main emotions driving people today. FEAR and EGO.

Fear is causing people to either stick their heads in the ground and pretend everything will be ok. Or, they think this virus is all BS and everybody is an idiot and overreacting.

Ego, the worst one, is causing people to do very stupid things. It's got you thinking this won't affect you and that you will kill it during this crisis just because you're you. It also, makes people think that they're too good to go get a job if they're business fails.

We believe that if you do these 5 things:

  1. Plan. Don't Panic.
  2. Do Something. NOW!
  3. Build Resources
  4. Protect Your Future
  5. Focus

You will not only get through the tough times coming but you will also THRIVE!

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